YYO Orbis Question

The Krown is still probably my favourite yoyo. Especially the “revised” one, which I believe changed just enough to put binds where I like them. I don’t know if the gap size, the pads themselves, or the response groove are different, but it binds perfectly out of the box (I found first run snaggy until I sili’d it).

It’s funny… I always think it’ll blow everyone away, but a lot of people who try it don’t have the same affinity for it. It’s pretty light, which puts some people off (to me, that’s a big plus!) and in the first 5 minutes it might feel generic because it’s a straight-V.

But those who love it, love it a lot. :wink: I had the choice of every yoyo YYE had to offer and no real budget limit, and I chose the Krown.

Not too long after that I ended up with a Valor, which fights daily for top spot. Love that Valor.