For the Sponsored, previeously sponsored and Dedicated i have a question

I think Steve is right, you have to know why you want to get sponsored.
I passed up college wrestling scholarships because it wasn’t what I wanted anymore or why I wrestled in the first place. I think it’s safe to say yoyoing sponsorships WOULD require you to be more involved in competitions and online communities since there aren’t exactly scouts at colleges or high schools. I would say asking and talking to those who could sponsor you is a great idea, and let’s face it, if you are Gentry Stein good and half a decent person I’m sure they would love to sponsor you. Being at the right place at the right time I’m sure would help very much too.

I loved wrestling always but at times I hated it. To become great it takes time, dedication, discipline, and a strong motivation. People on here and in life love to say (and I’m fine with it) just play for the fun of it. I’m of a different breed though. Some of the things I remember and love the most have come from hard HARD work that wasn’t always fun, but achieving something takes time and work.

Not all of us are blessed with natural talent and so to become great we gotta work for it, and if your lucky enough to loove what you do and nonstop practice and work is fun and easy then more power to you. (But common, let’s be honest and say probably 80% of new throwers wanted to throw their yoyo through a window trying to learn magic drop…ughhhhhh!!!)

I think your decision to leave your initial sponsorship was a good idea, because it wasn’t what you wanted.

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