Looking for axle specs on YYR Dazzler?

I contacted YYR, already. Just thought somebody might have the info; before they even get back to me.

Obviously few people have this info or even care to ever know, lol.

But just maybe?

Thanks in advance if anybody knows.

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don’t quote me on this, but I think I’ve read somewhere it’s a M5 axle

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I’ve posted a lot about the Dazzler axle before. Lemme search my post history and find it. I found a great replacement for mine.

My post:

PM me your address and i’ll get one out to you. I also have some M4x5mm ones which i think are an exact replacement, but since it has the threads for it i really like that extra 1mm. No idea why they came with such a short axle, it’s ridiculous and unnecessary.

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Don’t mean to hijack, but is this the same for draupnir axle?

I just stripped my dazzler axle! No showing threads. Any safe removal tips? Or not. I just need this Bytch out! Thx

Oh man