what is the most slippery string ?

Kitty nylon isn’t that slick. I have a bunch and it’s alright but I’m not in love with it. Also doesn’t whip all that well, not notably long lasting. Toxic snakes start out fairly slick and whip well but they get hairy. That, combined with the semi-thick nature of the string make for frustratingly unpredictable binds with small gaps. Toxic dragons (and drakens) are just about the slickest of the slick. They whip like mad and last about as long as anything you’ll find but only come in white. Unfortunately it’ll probably take some trial and error on your part to figure out what you like. I did recently try some of Jake Elliot’s Grand Rapids string and I’m really happy with it. I’d say it’s like regular YYR string but a smidge thicker. Also comes in green I believe if that is a must have for you