Using a yoyo to open a bottle?

Check this out! Go to 5:00


haha! I must rush out and try this on all of my CLYW’s!

it works really well with stack yoyos with the stacks off

And code 1s

Works on both a peak and a ti walker

i use my FG gnar2 all the time to open beers

Does it work with a mint peak?

I’ll need a draupnir for this

A prodigy would be good for this.

these guys are such fools, every time i watch GMM i crack the heck up XD, i couldnt do it! Kudos to those who can!

Early model extra tightened northstar would be perfect.

The yoyo the guy on the left is using looks like a duncan metal drifter

He is

a $500 yoyo that plays really well and that dings very easily would be good for this.