Underrated players

Who do you all think is an underrated player?


^ Lol

Darnell Hairston

There is tons of underrated players out there in this community

This issue is that its all subjective, its all based entirely on opinion.

I could tell you that my boy Nehemiah Peterson is an underrated yoyoer. He has technical skills that can equal to that of Zach Gormley in the tech department.

Some that pop to mind:
Philip White
Adam Schultz
David Kane
JT Nickel
Aaron Davis

Zach Gustafson

The white brothers (Stuart and Phillip)
Tylor Mccaulimore

Andrew Mailer

Zach Gustafson,
Adrian velez
Owen ekblad
Kyle nations
Andrew Maider
John narum
Lori yamaki


Daniel dietz


Ooo I forgot Sid seed.

He must be underrated! I’ve never heard of him! ;D

Seriously? (Thank you was unintentionally).

Neither of these… they already get the fame they deserve

You do get a little bit of acclaim.

Anthony Rojas

He’s an amazing talent that never stops impressing the heck out of me every time I have the chance to see him.

No way, people already know he’s really good.

He’s the guy who delivers your yoyos

Most of the players mentioned, I don’t think really care. They yoyo for arts sake.


It seems he disagrees with you to some extent. And, he hit the thank you button on your earlier post, by accident. I think that’s what he means.