$$$ Big Spenders Top 10 Throws $$$

There are a lot of top 5 and top 10 theads. So, you might as well list your top 10 most expensive yo-yo purchases of all time. Tell us what you can remember.

Just a disclaimer. This thread is not for yo-yos that retail expensive, that you traded other throws for them (in your favor), in a BST transaction. This is for a list of yo-yos that actually cost you the most, in cash, to have in your collection. I rarely buy really expensive yo-yos…believe it or not. But, the top of my list looks like this:

  1. YoyoRecreation Dazzler ($650)
  2. Oxy Hyperion ($500)
  3. Oxy Ti 9.06 ($485) x2
  4. 3yo3 Ti5 ($300)
  5. OD Sovereign x2 ($280 for the rainbowflauge version)
  6. sOMEThing Anglam Ver. CC ($210) x2
  7. YYF Ricochet x3 ($143, $159, $159…retail is $199)
  8. C3 Berserker ($180)
  9. AntiYo DriYwet ($169)
  10. YYR Overdrive ($165)

I’m usually an educated buyer, so I usually have no regrets.

List yours, and let us know If they were worth it to you…spending all that cash, when it was said and done!

I’m looking for all of you hanging out in the YYR and CLYW threads. :smiley: Come one, come all!

The most I’ve payed:

  1. OG Painted Peak $225
  2. Sasha Metal Hitman $200
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Where… Did you get an OG painted peak for less than $400?!

Those are some big ones…any regrets?

  1. Flow ($125)
  2. Cascade ($118)

Don’t regret either.

None at all. Those are two of the most amazing yoyos to ever exist.

I played a raw peak PROTO, and it’s a player, not a shelf queen! not mine though :’( wonder how much it’s worth on the market now?

I gots one! One of the best playing Peaks ever made.


^ At $225, you are better off using the bouncy ball…cause you don’t want any dice clanking against that Peak. Bouncy ball seems way more safe. Looks good…I love raw throws.

I usually get my stuff for cheaps. The most I’ve ever spent on a single yoyo is $105 for a Chief, and that was when they were going for $145.

Naw, lol, I didn’t pay $225 for that. $225 was for the Levi Painted one. This one was like $100.

  1. ~$500 for an S.Kon Vektor
  2. $315 or whatever retail was for an Anti-Yo Gouda

The rest aren’t that interesting.

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H3X and Gnarwhal no regrets eyeing a megatron

  1. Ti Walker $200.00
  2. Tie between a Positron/Leviathan 3 $190.00
  3. Many yoyojokers a Messiah and a Sov $180.00

Then after that was the CLYW stuff that goes for around $165.00

Wait! Never knew you owned a Ti Walker. I thought the Sov was your only Titanium ever. Interesting…

Most I have spent is $155 on a chief, most expensive one I have owned is a leviathan III.

I was never impressed with my Ti Walker… My favorite Ti yos were Doc Pop’s prototype Sovereign and the Oxy Ti.

Most I ever spent was $165 for a Petr Kavka Chief.

My most expensive purchase was $70 dollars for a Chief.
Yeah, I’M pretty thrifty.

260 for a SPYY Gold Pure
160 for an AnY Miroc 2