Leven-A (L-A) Debut (A New Style)


This video consists of a brief introduction on Leven-A and will show you how to setup your string/yoyo for Leven-A and a quick tutorial of the first Leven-A trick “Leven-A Matrix” Enjoy!

Sorry if it’s hard to understand me it was late and I have a loud echo in my room, also sorry for the camera adjusting it does that all the time.

Tutorials on the way:
-Leven-A Split Bottom Mount
-Leven-A Elevator (This one is really cool and way better than the original Elevator.)

Tricks will get harder eventually but I want to remake some of the breakthrough Single A yoyo tricks for Leven-A (Boingy-Boing, Gyroscopic Flop, Dr. Strange, etc for example.) before I start creating my own unique Leven-A tricks.