Yoyo jokes

Highlight to the right of “A:” to see the answer

Yoyo’s are a joke :stuck_out_tongue: A: No, really

What do yoyo’s and life have in common? A: They have their ups and downs!

Why did Mr. example buy a heavy cream? A: It was Crucial

What’s a Yoyo’s favorite Movie? A: The Matrix

What do Emo yoyo’s do? A: Suicides

What is a farmers Favorite yoyo trick? A: Milk the Cow!

Why did Mr. example use Hardline as his first perk? A: To get a SR-71!

What is a yoyoers favorite part of a joke? A: The PunchLine!

What yoyo is for Emo’s? A: The Cut!

What is a Yoyo’s favorite video game? A: Call of Duty; Black Hops

Why did mr. Example think the yoyo was deaf when he was talking to it? A: It was unresponsive