Introduce Yourself!

Hello yoyo folk! I’ve been yoyoing for about 1 year and 10 months and been apart of YYE for a year but never properly introduce myself lol. My name is William “Tiberius” Murphy; I’m a junior in high school, 16 years old and a less than average person. I started my whole descent into this hobby june of 2012 when my algebra teacher showed us some fixed axle yoyo tricks and gave it to me for getting the highest score in my class on a quiz. I’m a sub par yoyoer who is more invested into 1a and 5a than any other styles, currently my fav throw is the 2010 severe and clyw cliff. My style is pretty undeveloped so I wouldn’t even call it a style lol. I would like to make more friends in this communit so I’m gonna start being more social so this is step one. Well thats my story haha.