Newbie questions

Lorax –

I am trying to learn how to bind, too. It is way frustrating. I can do a front mount bind, maybe 75% of the time. That is an improvement, though. At first, I could do maybe one in ten. A week or so later, now I’m a little better. Forget about the one you hit from a trapeze (where you flip from a trapeze around your finger to hit it from below – undermount??). I can only hit that one once in a while.

These binds are an entirely new thing for me. The last time I got into yoyoing there was no such thing as an unresponsive yoyo. Now it’s like learning all over again.

Best I can suggest is to keep practicing and remember that you are not the only one struggling with this…

BTW, thank you for your service in Iraq. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.